While working on a project in the run up to @emf this year I dropped a spanner and it fell through a gap in my workshop floor. I'm building a homage to Thunderbird 4 and sending it on a rescue mission.
The donor vehicle is a Nikko VolociTrax, you can find them for £20 if you shop around. This is one of two I bought for #PiWars prototyping in 2019.
Itll also be the basis for my #autonomous #hackyracers e try for the A4 class
The rear two mounts fit a treat, after that I messed up. Really need to get better of measuring things like this! The tracks have an idler in the middle so need to angle the bed down at the front. Height is 14cm, 17cm is the max to get under the containers so all good!
Development continues on Thunderbird Floor! I've got the #raspberrypi built and ROS installed, I can now show the laserscan in #rviz.
Next up, add the cameras and the IMU