"But in the fall, Miller took a human sexual biology class taught by a family physician who had spent decades counseling women on how to choose the right birth control. …
"After learning that her understanding of the risks was skewed by social media, Miller said she worries about her generation of women facing a lack of accurate information — and choices. Abortion is banned in Wisconsin after 22 weeks of pregnancy."
I want to believe that many, many people are smart enough not to believe everything they read on the Internet!
And, of course, it should go without typing that there are many, many valid online sources about this topic.
Go to the local library or interlibrary loan and check out "Our Bodies, Ourselves."
Hell, there's even a website for that fine tome; it taught many of us several things in pre-Internet times.
People are capable, TikTok and whatnot notwithstanding.
Like the University of Wisconsin-Stout student quoted in the story, I took a Human Sexuality course in my early college years, way back when sex was first discovered.
It was thought a fun way to fulfill a science requirement. It was reputed to be — and was — a difficult, rigorous course that required lots of study.
It was an interesting topic, though, and I did well enough to pass and get the science credits.