“Like those famous Rosie the Riveter posters all over town say: ‘Get chanting in Bloodstone Circles double-time or me and the rest of riveters will come at you with rivet guns.
You ever have someone come at you with a rivet gun? Well, bud, you don’t want that, trust me.’”
— Welcome to Night Vale
This is from the “[Best of?]” episode: https://www.nightvalepresents.com/welcome-to-night-vale-transcripts/2015/5/1/67-best-of
I've been seeking out more podcasts lately, and I've really fallen in love with “Welcome to Night Vale”
Fun fact, it was this article that inspired me to start seeking out more podcasts: https://www.anildash.com/2024/02/06/wherever-you-get-podcasts/
Being reminded of the openness of the medium has made me especially interested in it
@reillypascal a lot of people think that podcast = spotify. It's a educational thing, we have to show them the underlying open concepts of the internet especially in this case rss. We gave it away for lazyness – time to recalibrate.