Apple trying to break the Open Web by removing PWA functionality from iphone #openweb #apple
Apple pulls out footgun.
And does not just miss a bit, but hits the heart.
For Apple to pull this stunt indicates serious problems at 1 Infinite Loop.
@shanselman Ah, PWAs circumvent Apple tax. Now it makes sense to me
@shanselman I hope Apple enjoys its massive fine.
@shanselman Sick of this BS. Apple is relaying the consequence of the EU laws that force them to do this. Expected a more nuanced view on this @shanselman.
@hanssep @shanselman Apple's petulant behaviour throughout this has been to comply with the court ruling as maliciously as possible, in order to punish the EU for having the temerity to call them on their anti-competitive behaviour. This is just another example.
@hanssep @shanselman I am, indeed, "Sick of this BS."
@shanselman Seems like in this case they are complying with EU-specific laws? And the PWA functionality is collateral damage.
That said, iOS’ support for PWA is already abysmal.
I recently installed on latest iOS and almost nothing is supported.
@shanselman "Microsoft breaks gaming by not allowing Steam and Epic Store on Xbox". There. Same BS headline.
@shanselman Counterpoint: If you’ve worked with x-callback URLs you know WebKit has hooks into subsystems, & potential to launch and manip. most apps on iOS. Removing hooks wld break everything that uses that comm. method, incl. Shortcuts. Safari refuses to perform certain functions that Shortcuts can (meaning they are technically possible) bc Shortcuts has certain other safeguards and warnings built in.
Alternative browsers with the same access could potentially do massive damage invisibly.