Going to bring my Singaporean parents with me to the DMV so they can have a cultural experience
To be fair, the DMV is a much better experience than even the last couple of years. I have been half-heartedly working toward getting my first ever drivers license (always lived in countries where cars weren’t needed), since I got here. I never really super wanted one, but now my life here has expanded geographically so
You can now do the knowledge test online! That cut out 75% of my excuses for why I didn’t want to do it (I found doing the test onsite extremely stressful and chaotic). I’ve done and completed that and now I just have to go get my eyesight tested, then.. book a date for the behind the wheel test I guess
@skinnylatte I mean it’s certainly An Experience.
@petrillic @skinnylatte this is going to sound weird but I legitimately love going to the DMV around these here parts. It’s always fast, easy, and the grounds are nice
@ramiro @petrillic I think it’s very nice in seaside near Monterey!
@skinnylatte the DMV in Seaside isn't too bad as long as you're early.
@douglasvb ill prob do my behind the wheel there
@skinnylatte by way of inspiration: I got my drivers license when I moved back to the US. I was 35.
I didn't pass the first road test.
Or the second.
Or third, fourth, fifth, or sixth.
But I did pass the seventh! And I've been driving very cautiously, like a little old lady, ever since. I'm almost aged into my own driving style by now :-)
(MANY of the little old ladies around me drive like teenaged speed-demons. I drive like the stereotype.)
@skinnylatte worse than Malaysian Jpj?
@skinnylatte I LOLed way too hard at this. But the DMV anywhere is a cultural experience. I surely remember getting my licence in the Philippines.
They're gonna drag you straight back to Singapore to rescue you from such grossly incompetent inefficiency.
@skinnylatte Is this the same as queueing for a passport circa Singapore 1990?
@eviltofu feels more like the land border
@skinnylatte I've never crossed the land border into Malaysia!
@skinnylatte that sounds... Horrible