My wife always says I’m the luckiest person she’s ever met (re jobs, opportunity, experiences, random things), and she’s right, but the luckiest I’ve ever been was when she agreed to marry me
Hehehe @sabcatsilver
@skinnylatte @sabcatsilver y'all too cute, love it!
Aw, how lovely! Congratulations!
@skinnylatte @sabcatsilver now I hear shrimp shrimp shrimp
And she was wise to choose you! Not just because you are brilliant and funny and beautiful and charming, but also because maybe the luck will affect her life
That was a science fiction book with this premise. I forget the title. But one person was chosen to be on the space mission because her family had a history of winning the lottery, throughout several generations. She was there for the luck!
@NilaJones @skinnylatte Teela Brown, in Larry Niven’s ‘Ringworld’.
@skinnylatte luck is made, if you surround yourself of good things… good things tend to happen.