I think I need to cancel my trip to #fosdem, my body just isn't behaving this week & my cough has been inducing anxiety attacks and near vomiting. I was optimistic that maybe just maybe I'd be able to do this, but I don't think I can.
@thisismissem ugh, so sorry to hear it- bodies be jerks some days. I find when insulin + other hormones + neurotransmitters pile up in certain ways … call it all off and hibernate seems completely reasonable!
My timeline just lined up interestingly on this post, too, heh.
Hope this settles for you, sounds like it sucks and sitting through it must be a drag.
@johannab it's exhausting. Not sure what is causing this flair up.
@thisismissem you’re stable on HRT, right? Sorry if I’m overstepping as you’re not asking, but damn, when perimeno + insulin dependence piled on top of not-yet-figured-out ADHD and a whole effin’ pandemic it was a trip. I am SO SENSITIVE still to insulin bouncing around, that I will both freak out and relapse into “asthma” before my forebrain clocks that there’s a blood sugar and/or monthly mishap in play. Stupid brain/body soup.
It’s rare but sometimes a vial of insulin is “off”.
@johannab my HRT may actually be off, my last test in December showed a weird drop in certain levels, and I've gotta go back in for a new test as we adjusted meds — but this cough is something I've had for 6 years, basically something causes my body to over produce mucus, spike temperatures on the forehead, and triggers coughing continuously because I can't breath properly. It's kinda an anaphylactic shock type thing but not quite. Most likely is some form of rhinitis.
@thisismissem oh, yikes. That sounds similar to MCAS which is so fucking hard to pin down, and I wonder if it’s much more common than thought but just at “sub-clinical” levels that get women dismissed as “tired” or “anxious”. And ANY hormone being out of whack won’t help. Hope you can get some rest and relief.
@johannab I don't think it's MCAS, because it came on during a really bad flu in 2019; but non-allergic rhinitis can be triggered by colds & flus, like you don't have it before getting sick and then have it afterwards. For the past few months, an ice pack to the forehead & temples and angling my head so mucus doesn't run down my throat has helped, but recently I've had episodes that haven't calmed from that. Like I hit some of the symptoms for MCAS but could also be explained by non-allergic rhinitis and anxiety disorders (I have memory issues too)
@johannab actually even had to get tested for TB after a doctor thought it could be that.. was only suggested last year after 5 years with this condition. Came back negative but was hella stressful