Apologies hachydermians for the outages tonight and the issue with rate limiting and images not loading.
We discovered several issues that needed resolutions, and everything appears to be working fine now. There'll be a write up sometime in the future.
Only negative? We've had to disable image processing with libvips, as it was failing to process media, so we're back to the imagemagik or whatever pre-libvips.
@thisismissem @hachyderm @hachyinfra
I did notice some posts missing images. But it's not a big deal. Keep up the good work!
@badnetmask yeah, this was actually a bug. Do you know roughly when you noticed posts with missing images first?
Sorry, it's now buried somewhere in my timeline.
@badnetmask so last 24 Hours but not earlier than that?
Correct. Some time last night.
@badnetmask yeah, I'm trying to figure out if this occurred before last night.