Well isn't that some shit! I have some #shelly plugs in the #homelab that have been acting funny! Saw the time wouldn't update so my schedules of turn off and on switches were broken!.. Chalked it up to maybe it got fried! Anyway by circumstance I was looking my #Victoria log instance that I never do and saw that there were these 2 ip's trying to reach out to an old dns server! Firewall logs working I see!! Set this up and never did look back at it. Anyway, the fuck could that be! nmap'd the thing and found out it port 80 was open!
Got you mothafucka! It was the shelly plugs.. Then that, I'm a fucking idiot light bulb came on. I didn't update the DNS settings for the static ip's I set for my shelly plugs, which couldn't resolves the time server address, which mans I couldn't get the time, which means I broke my fucking shelly plugs!
@train One day the problem will not be DNS. Today is not that day.
@woe2you I don’t think it’s ever not going to be related to dns! Son it’s A