Ok last linux desktop question! What browser do y'all use! Just raw dawg firefox! or is there other interesting shit out there
I like @librewolf on desktop and IronFox on Android
@train currently migrating from Firefox to Librewolf with a couple of the more painful security options turned off.
I also use Vivaldi for work, and Ungoogled Chromium for stuff that doesn't work in Firefox-descended browsers.
since somebody else mentioned Android, I'm still using Fennec from F-Droid for general browsing, and Cromite for Youtube and stuff that doesn't work in Fennec
@train I've been using @zenbrowser for a few months. It's a Firefox fork, and it has been working really well for me.
@train I recently switched to Vivaldi from Firefox because I wanted to sync easily with iOS.
@train Firefox but only because I have no time to switch atm I'm a bit cold on forks due to maintenance and security issues, and Chrome-ish browsers are a no-no. I also heavily use multi-account containers so it's going to be a hard search...
@train I just rock Firefox because from a security perspective browser are such a gigantic attack vector and have such a wide variety of ways they can be vulnerable, it's better to be on a platform that has a security team in staff and isn't purely at the whims of volunteer availability
And honestly, Firefox is a pretty good browser
@train brave browser with the annoying stuff turned off. In the process of moving to librewolf with the annoying stuff turned off.
@train Konqueror, of course. IRL LibreWolf is my go to desktop browser. Works on Win/macOS, too.
@train Vivaldi has been my choice for some years now.
@train Vivaldi since Firefox started going sideways.
@train I run @librewolf but let‘s see what others have to say