Would it be insane to create a git repository that has #Haskell, #Purescript, AND #Idris packages in it?
My main concern is that some of the package distribution tooling I've dealt with seems to assume/prefer the package is at the top-level of the git repo.
Should I be using *submodules*!? (Plz, no!)
I think it's going to be informative to keep the packages coherent, and one repo seems like it could be a way to do that.
@BoydStephenSmithJr i think all three can specify different source dirs. at the least, idris 2 and haskell's package install deal fine with different source dirs (haven't tried this with purescript). it might be fine worst coming to worst to let purescript own ./src. i don't think any build env files overlap.
@prozacchiwawa I was thinking just giving each of them their own top-level directory and putting the package files under that. But, your approach should work well, too.
I don't know if my approach would screw up anyone attempting to use my git repo directly as a source.
@BoydStephenSmithJr The projects can sit in their own folders. Both #Haskell and #PureScript work fine even if they are not at repo root. Even if that were not the case, you can usually override the project root depending on the IDE.