Infusion day homies! #crohnsdisease
I'm good btw, I've been in remission for years now.
Although use my bullshit not dying bill in your #medicareforall #healthcarereform arguments
Pfizer charges $26,000 for this amount of infusion. Just a caprisun amount of not die juice.
But they're so generous that they offer a rebate program that makes it free so long as I have private insurance.
If I didn't have this good of a job I'd have to go through emergency life saving surgery every few years, suffering the whole time, until I eventually run out of intestines.
I think about this a lot. Especially on infusion days and I let it radicalize me.
One friend moved from Nevada to the UK as his partner was from here, just so they could access the medical care he needed.
@BillySmith my fiance and I haven't ruled out moving to Europe. I'd gladly give up my guns for walkable cities, the chance to go back to school, and healthcare.
Mein Deutsch ist in Ordnung, aber ich hätte es gerne besser.
And my fiance speaks near fluent French.
But it feels like giving up. Like we're using our privileged position to leave instead of help others. And it's hard to not view it that way.
> But it feels like giving up. Like we're using our privileged position to leave instead of help others. And it's hard to not view it that way.
I think about that a lot. I don't have a good answer, but I've had the same thought process.
That couple stuck around as long as they could, building solarpunk systems and, writing/teaching about them, but it hit the point where they had no choice.
Move country for medical reasons, or go bankrupt and die, for the same reasons.
It's why i am stuck in London right now. It's one of the UK centre's for chemotherapy. :D