If this doesn't stir something in you, I might have bad news about your inner child #Lego #SpaceLego #VintageLego #IWantToGoToThatStar
1979 model, several billion squillion light-years on the clock, one careful owner from new #Lego #SpaceLego #VintageLego
When we were little, my brother and I had a lot of Space Lego #Lego #SpaceLego #VintageLego
Like, a *lot* of Space Lego #Lego #SpaceLego #VintageLego
Some of those sets -- those which originally belonged to my brother, I guess -- I don't even remember that well, but Bricklink have a complete inverted index from parts to sets, and sometimes even important-looking pieces were in surprisingly few sets: https://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?P=4228&in=S
@TalesFromTheArmchair I remember being a bit weirded out when the astronauts started turning up in blue and yellow rather than the traditional red and white
@TalesFromTheArmchair My space Lego seems to be infected with trains
@sborrill Some of the white astronauts are now so yellowed by time that they're almost indistinguishable from the yellow ones...