I learned some fraction of #GoLang 11 years ago. I’ve written simple things. Here’s an example: https://github.com/wolf/intset/blob/main/intset.go. I could probably, with a reference, solve a reasonable problem in it. Yes, Go is simpler than #Cpp or #RustLang. It seems like a fine language. I just didn’t have any reason to use it. I didn’t find it compelling. If employment required me to use it, I would; but it doesn’t hold for me the level of excitement as #Python and Rust.
The fact that your 11yo code probably still works on the latest compiler release is imho already very exciting. I keep updating my Python projects with every interpreter release, something is always broken.
@YesJustWolf That's reasonable. Go is a boring language by design — intended for engineering, not for experiments.