Does anyone know if #nixos offers anything like kernel live patching ?
@YvanDaSilva can the Linux kernel even do that? I guess you can replace kernel modules and reload them. No idea if Nixos has support for that.
@6d03 yes, you can live patch the kernel for security updates :)
There is multiple ways to do so and new ones being added recently.
But I didn't find a single way to do it on NixOS with nix rebuild.
I found open issues in github that haven't had much activity.
@YvanDaSilva nope but you can build your own patches
@raito I see thanks.
AFAIU, there is closed loops that share p0's of which are not yet disclosed so this handling this myself seems not amazing :/
@YvanDaSilva yes but it cost money
@YvanDaSilva @johanneskastl the value of live patching and being in the loop for security updates are orthogonal from each other. yes having to start the work on generating the patch after it is officially disclosed puts you a bit behind the loop. but the real reason for doing that is not having to restart no?
also in doubt you can sign up with any of the companies who offer life patching and run their kernel with nixos userland?