This is is astonishing - I used a Mac in my youth, ca 1990, and then more or less continuously since 2002.
TIL about CMD-1, CMD-2, and CMD-3 in Finder.
I wonder how many other obvious things that I'm sure everyone else uses are still out there to be discovered…
@timbray I stumbled across Cmd-1,2,3 in Finder just yesterday when in QuickView I was looking at an image and Cmd-0 takes me to “actual size” (i.e. zoomed it in since it was a high-res image, which is what I wanted). I wanted to zoom out again without pressing a bunch of Cmd-minus and just started beating on Cmd-1,2,3 …. funny enough I watched the Finder window I was QuickView-ing freak out. #macOS #finder #shortcuts
Maybe I should look at this someday