Spent my Sunday porting the Ur-Quan Masters (SC2 source port) into buildroot so I can run it on my cortex-A7 eval board: https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot/compare/master...andrewl6097:buildroot:master
I decided to just throw out the existing sort-of-build-system and put together an autotools version from scratch. I guess one is supposed to use CMake these days, but I'm too old for that nonsense
The 'melee' ship battles part doesn't seem to work on ARM, but the main navigation / dialogue parts of the game do. What's interesting is that it all works great on my x86 box using the new autotools scripts, so it's not *just* the build system.
Buildroot is really pretty great overall. Cross-compilation has always seemed too-hard-to-be-worth-it to me, but with buildroot, anything that uses autotools 'just works'