Totally bonkers study outcome: Ontarians who did not get a COVID vaccine were 48% more likely to get into a car accident
It's as if the property of being jerk is transitive. #trafficsafety
@phillmv a fascinating conclusion:
"These data suggest that COVID vaccine hesitancy is associated with significant increased risks of a traffic crash. An awareness of these risks might help to encourage more COVID vaccination."
Well... probably not.
This study seems to be a case for @ct_bergstrom
@bloc @phillmv @ct_bergstrom I'd have no trouble believing causation is the other way around, that people who drive recklessly (drunk, texting, speed etc) are also less likely to get vaccinated.
More worrisome, perhaps: unvaccinated folks may have had more severe Covid and be less able to sustain attention while driving.
@danielharan @phillmv @ct_bergstrom
I'd be easy to believe there are some mental "preconditions" that would support both reckless driving and refusal to get vaccinated, leading to correlation of the two. Still wouldn't make me jump to the conclusion gives by the authors though.
@bloc @phillmv @ct_bergstrom 100%, the authors appear to be jumping to conclusions here.