I had so much fun dropping my gas tank last Saturday that I decided to do it again this Saturday, too. Not. Ugh.
Apparently, I accidentally pinched the vent tube with the skid plate strap last Saturday so I was hearing noise from the tank like... it was cavitating or something? But hey this time it only took ~2 hours...
But now I can drive my jeep again
@booty Good job! ^_^
Hope that's the last of it (jinxes be damned).
@Paradox sadly I know it won't be lol. I need to fix the baffle(sump? Whatever) inside the tank but it's just so hard to drop the tank completely by myself~ I fully intended to this morning but I was just like... Yeah, no, not today this is sufficient.
I just hate how my gas gauge gets stuck at 1/4 tank for the last, well, quarter tank lmao.
@booty I don't know what a baffle or a sump is. I'm baffled. XD
Don't they have a dipstick-esque thing to check your fuel level manually?
@Paradox it's essentially a bowl that your fuel pump pulls from so that when you have low fuel and take a turn, are on an incline, or just something that causes the fuel to move around... The bowl makes sure your fuel pump doesn't suck air (this hurts the fuel pump) and also the vehicle needs fuel to move which is pretty important usually (:
And no, no dipstick for the fuel
@booty Very good explanation. Thanks. ^_^