I recently watched #Netflix' #Painkiller series about how Purdue Pharma initiated the worst #opioids consumption epidemic of USA...
I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed about its lack of depth. In the name of drama, they left many important actors out of the picture, like #McKinsey, who had to pay around $600M for their responsibility in all of this https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/03/business/mckinsey-opioids-settlement.html
I guess that a bankrupt company is much easier to attack than one with so much power as McKinsey.
This thread is gold, the kind of stuff that would have been great to see in that series:
There's no way people will be able to fight against these schemes and legal tricks if they don't learn about their intricacies.
A simple-minded story where the billionaires get away "just because", is not only demoralising, but also terribly misleading.