Latest episode of the #PathToCitusCon #podcast for developers who love Postgres just dropped, with guest @intrbiz who was fascinating to talk to.
The topic was: "Becoming expert at using PostgreSQL" & we talked about how Chris got his start as well as how he got involved speaking at (& now, organizing) Postgres conferences.
If you're into #PostgreSQL & you're into podcasts then give this episode a listen. Would love to know what you think!
#OpenSource #Postgres
@clairegiordano I didn’t realise how lucky I was to have these two badges from @intrbiz one fine Wolves LUG evening (they are fun to wear).
This was a fantastic interview.
Hoping that Chris proposes a talk at @oggcamp 2024.
@bigcalm @clairegiordano @oggcamp you're welcome mate. Doing a talk at Oggcamp is a great call, I didn't think about that!
@intrbiz @bigcalm @oggcamp Oh you're so lucky you have a cat AND a Postgres "Electric Elephant".
I just have the Elephant but I feel quite special.
So fun to have Chris on this month's podcast, glad you enjoyed it. Chris talked about the layers of software, but I found the "layers" of his different work experiences with PostgreSQL to be fascinating!
@clairegiordano @bigcalm @oggcamp I kind of think the Puffin I made for my mum is my best design so far: