"Won't it be amazing what tech we'll have in the future?"
It's amazing what tech we have NOW. It's just all unaffordable, inequitable, locked behind a never-ending subscription, built to fail, and/or data mining and advertising disguised as a product.
The tech isn't the problem, and the next round of advancements isn't going to free us.
To quote William Gibson from 1993
“The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed.”
Wait, are you saying that.. Tech Won’t Save Us?!
@collinsworth ... or depends on us-east-1 being online in order to function.
@collinsworth @Nine That, or it's patent/copyright encumbered, making the cost/etc issues even worse. E.g. 3D printers are an old technology, but patents...
@collinsworth So much this!