KOSA, just passed by the Senate 91-3, will allow politicians and federal commissioners to decide what Americans should read and watch online. It’s a blatant attack on our free speech. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/07/kosa-internet-censorship-bill-just-passed-senate-its-our-last-chance-stop-it
@eff Please DO contact your reps asking them to oppose it. I just called and did. But if your rep is Republican, *don't* use the recommended talking points about how KOSA is anti-LGBTQ etc. That will just make them want to vote for it.
My message was roughly: I am a constituent and parent, this is a bad bill, it massively increases big government and big business surveillance of our children's lives and makes them less safe, not more, please oppose KOSA.
@eff If you need to find your representative's phone number (or who your rep is to begin with), https://ziplook.house.gov/ is the easiest way without any third party intermediaries.
It's easy and quick, you don't need to have any real conversation, just scribble down a quick blurb with key words that'll appeal to their political leaning and that you're a consituent (and parent, if so), and asking them to oppose KOSA. And read it to the person who answers.
@eff Also, please know that pushing this now, in the lead-up to the election, is an op by the right-wing arms that try to control the Democratic party. They want to force Dems to vote for a right-wing bill to harm Dem constituents, to sow division and demotivate voters.
Please keep this in mind when talking to potential voters. It will come up. Anger at getting cornered like this needs to be a reason TO vote, not a reason not to.