They'll boil the oceans for the promise of free labor. That's what's driving all the AI bullshit: a bunch of rich assholes who don't want to pay workers.
@fraying Simple ethical and profitable solution if you don't want to pay workers:
Get out of the scam lines of business you're in that employ workers or fake "AI" workers in bullshit jobs, and get into physical production that's actually fully automatable by (non-"AI", rigorous numerical control) machines.
@dalias @fraying I think this every time I hear some "business leader" whining about wage inflation or minimum wage legislation. If your so-called profitable business can't survive paying people enough to live in modest comfort, you don't have a profitable business you have a scam, and your profits are being extorted from your own workers not fairly earned by your business savvy.
@petrichor @fraying So much of modern business produces utterly nothing of value but seeks to destroy existing value & entrap consumers.
In Japan they have maximum wage as well as minimum wage. That takes away the incentive for the boss to inflate his salary at the expense of his workers.
@vet_ingenting @petrichor @dalias @fraying how is maximum wage calculated?
@MalMen @vet_ingenting @petrichor @fraying It should be something like lowest wage paid by company plus 50%.
@dalias @vet_ingenting @petrichor @fraying wow, that is way less than what I was expecting..
Anyway, I dont see that as a holy solution... The only way to archive a fair reveneu distribution is the workers fight for theyr rights...
We have already some worker rights here and companies just ignore them by creating sub-companies that can disposes the workers as theyr will
@MalMen @vet_ingenting @petrichor @fraying Oh I doubt it's actually that. I'm saying that's what it SHOULD BE.
@vet_ingenting @petrichor @dalias @fraying
Wow! This is interesting: "In Japan they have maximum wage as well as minimum wage. That takes away the incentive for the boss to inflate his salary at the expense of his workers."
Sorry to repeat you but I wanted to add some hashtags.
@petrichor @vet_ingenting @dalias @fraying And FDR himself said: “…no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By “business” I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, […]; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.”
@petrichor @dalias @fraying Corporate American supports Darwinian survival of the fittest, unless it impacts them, then they want corporate Public tax funded subsidies,ie, they are too big to fail. Hypocrisy