Got blocked for pointing out that there's Nazis and CP on Fedi. LOL. Sorry for the truth? Your admins are doing a GREAT job if you don't see that kinda stuff...Just saying. IMO fedi has a huge moderation advantage over other platforms (like the ability to defederate). Doesnt X not even allow you to block other people?
But yeah even with all that, there is still a ton of problematic content. Once I saw some spam offering to sell hard drugs on here.
Plus lot of the racism, bigotry, etc, can be very subtle and not always immediately obvious; there's more of it than some people think
@kern I have an entire list of domains with CP and Nazi crap. But yeah, moderation is GREAT on here. The point was, someone said that Nostr on Fedi isn't a good idea cause the creator had some Nazi beliefs and I said "There's Nazis there just like there are here." and they blocked me.
I'm on both and there's not enough Nazis to worry about in my opinion.
@BeAware @kern Would be good if you added your censures to #fediseer. Then we can collaborate and re-use your lists.
here's our instance's blocklist which is also focused on blocking fash and pedos.