"How, Milton [Friedman], do you propose to convince the vast majority of people that they should settle for being forelock-tugging plebs, groveling before their social betters for the chance to scrub their toilets?"
#MiltonFriedman had an answer: "In #timesofcrisis, ideas can move from the fringe to the center in an eyeblink. Our job is to keep good ideas lying around, in anticipation of that crisis."
Friedman was a monster.
He had a hell of a #theoryofchange."
A theory of change [for the #EU, and the #GlobalSouth]: Ditch #IPlaws and #copyprotection, and set #interoperability free!!
"America's robust GDP figures are a mirage, artificially buoyed up by the monopoly rents extracted by #USBigTech, who prey on Americans AND foreigners.
But foreigners don't have to tolerate this nonsense. Governments around the world signed up to protect giant American companies from small domestic competitors (from local app stores—for phones, games consoles, and IoT gadgets—to local printer cartridge remanufacturers) on the promise of tariff-free access to US markets. With #Trump imposing tariffs will-ye or nill-ye on America's trading partners large and small, there is no reason to go on delivering rents to US Big Tech."