I planted “miners lettuce” or Claytonia a few years ago from seed. It seems to be reseeding prolifically. It is very resilient to cold weather, stems and leaves taste like lettuce. And is supposedly high in vitamin C. Zone USDA 6a.
I will try to take a picture tomorrow but it seems to be outcompeting the weeds. The bed is fairly isolated but still impressive.
French sorrel is the largest plant in this image but it is surrounded by hundreds of Claytonia seedlings and a few random weeds. I’m not sure the name of the weeds are with the purple flowers but last year I observed the weeds life cycle was pretty quick and then gone not much of competition and where it grew it became mulch. So I just tolerate it. The bees enjoy them currently anyway.
I should add no Claytonia seed was planted by me last year it’s all reseeding by itself and of what I did plant the year before I only did so in areas that overlapped with less than half of this image.
@enhickman Could the purplish weeds be Purple Dead Nettle? At first I thought they were Hen Bit, but the purple upper leaves seem to point to another mint family species: