Techdirt explains why they're a democracy blog now and also, coincidentally, why this will always be a Mike Masnick stan account:
@evacide I too stan Masnick. LoFi for life.
@evacide yeah Mike is spot in as usual
@evacide also important to note: many of the journalists being layoff this week were either tech journalists or data journalists, i think there is a pattern to reduce tech oversight.
@evacide for examples: WSJ and Disney (538)
@evacide I've only ever know techdirt as "yet another tech news site", but it seems I have underestimated them, that's a great article.
@evacide always-has-been.jpg? Techdirt is awesome, and Mike Masnick has time-and-again earned my respect.
The reality has always been much messier. Innovation happens when lots of different people can try lots of different ideas. When information flows freely. When someone can start a company without worrying that the government will investigate them for criticizing an oligarch. When diverse perspectives can actually contribute to the conversation. You know — all the things that are currently under attack.
They’re learning a very expensive lesson about the difference between creative destruction and just plain destruction.