Please enjoy this editorial:
"We are losing the browser war" (from 2001)
"Think about it -- for an HTML form input box, instead of using a crummy text widget, we could spawn an xterm the exact size of the text box, and use vim or any editor to fill out the form. It would be nice. It would be easy to maintain. Crashing the editor would leave the browser running."
@fasterthanlime waiting 23 minutes to fill this form because my emacs config has to download shit from melpa
@fasterthanlime screaming
@fasterthanlime I used to use this extension to do exactly that:
@fasterthanlime I am so confused about the "crashing the editor" bit. I was a literal child in 2001, what were they *doing*?
@fasterthanlime never mind, I see we have a Type Of Guy here
If you can't be bothered with email, try the approach I use: I request links such as in the hope that somebody reads the error logs.