The assumptions embedded in so much commentary about technical leadership and organizational design are so hard to sit through sometimes. Like oh hmmm I wonder why certain groups of people think the only problem is that everyone else is too stupid to keep up with them. I wonder why certain facets of our society are delighted to make 10x the money of the people they sit next to, and then find themselves struggling to incorporate the expertise of the people they sit next to. Mysteries abound.
It is a by definition narcissist worldview to decide "people don't care about anything and they're stupid and I'm the only one who's right" when you could ask yourself "I wonder what else those people are caring about."
A thin veneer of "I am the only one who understands human needs on a profound level, I am the one who eats my vegetables" does not fool anyone, not really. We all feel the contempt radiating off people who cannot compassionately say, "I wonder why."
@grimalkina Yes. YES. Thank you.
Your remarks bring to mind this piece’s exhortation to respond to other human beings with curiosity instead of judgement:
@inthehands I love this piece/and the follow-up book!
It’s so, so good.
@inthehands @grimalkina Responding with curiosity is something that my therapist is always attempting to convince me to do because I was raised with a binary-thinking mindset. Doing so has really defused some of the tensions I have in my interpersonal relationships (I hope).
@trishalynn @grimalkina
The struggle to do that is real and never-ending, but it’s worth the struggle many times over. Sounds like a good therapist!
Everything is connected and overlapping e.g. on a spectrum or even quantum.
@inthehands @grimalkina
Devon Price’s article is compassionate, insightful, and deeply felt. I recognized myself in his descriptions of others; I am a world-class procrastinator. I’ll likely add the book to my library.
<impish grin>
But somehow, when arguing with my wife why there still are dishes in the dishwasher, telling her she’s being situationally unaware is unlikely to win me any points.
</impish grin>