That kitchen lady SOTU GOP response redubbed in a dalek voice.
Somebody please do this.
Stars Wars and Doctor Who both feature villains transparently based on Nazis, and I’m coming around to the idea that Doctor Who had the more socially useful model: Imperial officers / stormtroopers come off as evil but maybe kind of badass, whereas Daleks more accurately portray fascists as stupid and cheap and just gratingly skin-crawlingly annoying.
The idea that something as obnoxious and ridiculous as a Dalek can also be dangerous and utterly evil is…a useful lesson.
@inthehands at the same time, doctor who presents individual heroics and techno solutionism as the solution to their fascists. And the daleks, at least, always come from elsewhere. Star wars does manage to avoid both of those traps.
@jenniferplusplus true, true
@inthehands I suppose the cybermen are better analogies for the rise of fascism
@jenniferplusplus @inthehands Especially since the Cybermen arise multiple times in different contexts but always with the same fascist outcome.
@Tiffany @inthehands and the same eugenic origin
@jenniferplusplus @Tiffany
All that notwithstanding, Davros’s crazed monologue about racial purity as peace is right at the top of my list of great anti-fascist moments in fiction.
@Tiffany @jenniferplusplus
Dug it up for the viewing enjoyment of the Fediverse: