PETER SAGAL: [Under the old classification, marijuana is] as bad as heroin and worse than cocaine, which is, when you think about it, kind of fair. Cocaine has never caused anyone to start a jam band.
JOSH GONDELMAN: Yeah, but marijuana has never made anyone start a hedge fund.
Proposed new mandate for FDA: classify drugs according to how likely they are to fuel wealth-concentrating extractive capitalism
@inthehands Better: let's put that in the hands of the FTC and apply tax rates based on who benefits from the product. If it benefits poor people, low to no taxes, if it benefits rich people, high taxes.
You may have successfully turned my throwaway joke into an actual idea
@inthehands @SkipHuffman
Yeah, don't listen to him. He's BAKED.
Tomorrow, y'all will realize this is a dumb idea.
@inthehands negative schedule, based on the risks of withholding the drug
@inthehands oh no, i like coffee