@blakereid @inthehands +1 on this. I don't think opticial spdif supports volume level. It's just raw digital bits riding on some photons
@ian @blakereid
Right right. One could build an SPDIF in / SPDIF out device that adjusts the volume numerically, though I doubt anyone’s packing that into consumer hardware! I’d sort of assumed such a device would be post-DAC. And I can find volume remotes for •speaker• level, but not •line• level.
@inthehands @blakereid yea you could find some equipment to boost the output but it would result in clipping. You have to somehow get volume control to the amp that's powering the speakers, and any control signal that might be able to do that is probably getting lost on the spdif connection
@ian Clipping’s not an issue: the speakers are way too loud at max volume, so I only need to add attenuation somewhere in the signal chain.