Hi! I'm a Dad, husband, and tech nerd in the greater #Seattle area and frequently visit San Francisco Bay Area.
I tend to post about: Productivity (#GTD and #PKM),
#Aviation / #Cirrus
#B2B tech
#videogames, #RPGs, &
#Mountaineering & #Hiking
The #PNW, and the #SanFrancisco Bay Area
Formerly #Google, #HashiCorp, #NewRelic, #BlueJeansNetwork, and #Citrix - now doing my own thing.
Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone! I've been in Fediverse for awhile (my first experiment was back in... 2015?) but I've only been active for about a year. I created this profile for my real life identity so I have an interactive place to chat about my passions, interests, and network with folks that I might be able to collaborate with in the future.
For now, I'll just be lurking a bit and sharing some of the stuff I'm writing about. (While listening to Critical Role in the background).
To expound a bit on my introduction and establish my presence here, I'm going to share a bit about each of the topics in my intro post.
The first is #GTD or "Getting Things Done". A productivity system I've (for better and worse) practiced for the better part of a decade but with a few of my own twists[1].
I'm fond of using #Gqueues, and Asana and others are good for collaborative environments. #TaskWarrior has a lot of potential but needs work.
To expound a bit on my introduction and establish my presence here, I'm going to share a bit about each of the topics in my intro post.
I'm also really in to Personal Knowledge Management (PKM). It is an oft overlooked yet critical part of a 'productivity stack'.
I didn't have a (good) system until Obsidian came about, and had time and headspace to really be thoughtful about what I wanted from my system and what I workflows it needed to perform.
My system: https://www.isaacwyatt.com/using-obsidian-for-pkm/
One of my many interests (too many?) is Aviation. I'm a private pilot with high-performance and instrument ratings. It is an incredibly privileged hobby and one I'd waited until much later than most to begin. I've learned to fly in a Cirrus, and enjoy continuing to fly the Cirrus SR-20 and the SR-22 Turbo. Maybe someday the SF50 if I'm lucky.
I recently flew my family to the Troutdale airport in the Portland, OR area.
Here is a short post about it: https://www.isaacwyatt.com/posts/2023-11-02/
Welcome to Mastodon!
@YadyO Thank you thank you! I have had a private semi-anonymous account for awhile but needed to set up roots for my public persona and embrace my true inner-nerd!
Then you have come to the right place
@iw Welcome!
@dalfen Thank you!
@iw I too, love fire.
@k3ym0 For my part, its a bit of a double-entendre (minus the innuendo) as I love camp fires, but also Financial Independence / Retire Early. Though I can't imagine fully retiring any time soon.
@iw Welcome to the fun!
Thanks for being with us here. Glad to have you.
@joonhyeok_ahn of course! A lot of folks also use #VSCode with the #foam plug-in to do their #PKM work. Yours is the first I've seen emacs mentioned as a PKM solution.
@iw @joonhyeok_ahn I use emacs org-mode for pkm and pretty much everything I can. It's pretty great.