BREAKING: Apartheid tool has thoughts on how voting ought to work.
@ct_bergstrom A very American POV, this. In my country IDs are required because unscrupulous parties will send ghost/fake votes or people will vote multiple times to bump up a certain politician. In some countries it is VERY necessary and needed.
Ps: no more @ please
@liztai But Elon is not writing about your country.
@ct_bergstrom point taken. Why are ids such a bad idea, however, especially since there are bad actors around?
@liztai @ct_bergstrom You got inundated with responses, but I think a root reason nobody said is votes are considered low value, but the penalty for voter fraud is a felony.
Put another way, >60% of voters don’t vote most elections. But getting caught stealing someone’s vote can be years in prison.
@birwin NGL i regret opening this can of worms hahaha
I blame my impulsive fingers