I am going to regret asking this I am sure, but what in the world is happening in #Britain?
I feel like labelling it far-right protests seem simplistic
Ps: I just want to add lest I am misunderstood, that I think migrants are being an easy target for the frustration bubbling in Britain. Just exactly what that frustration is I am not very clear ...
@liztai Grifting arseholes fomenting pointless hate to get themselves attention and money.
The end of 13 years of disaster capitalists in Con governments asset stripping the country and fomenting hate to get attention and money for themselves because they don't know how to govern decently.
Horrible press (outside owners) fomenting hate.
This isn't "economic unrest". The cause is calculated manipulation.
@emmaaum hi sorry, do u mean the grifting arseholes is the govt or...? Sorry I wasn't sure who you meant
@liztai Three primary layers of shite:
* corrupt press
* disaster capitalist governments (not Starmer's)
* a handful of grifters
Tommy Robinson is the one of the grifters. He called for the riots. His brand speciality is anti-Muslim hate. He's been playing that game for 20 years.
All of these layers feed into each other.
@emmaaum I see, I see. The poor and working class are frustrated and a populist is basically taking advantage and elites are disconnected from the grassroots - kinda situation?
@liztai Where are you getting that from?
@emmaaum from your comment?