Dear #Cdrama writers, just because a character turns evil, it doesn't mean they have to announce it to the world by wearing dark eyeliner and black robes, ya know?
@liztai on the other hand, I’m on team More Eyeliner…
@bougiewonderland I mean won't it be smarter to look "good" while evil? Tho I have to say the eyeliner does wonders lol
@liztai I guess they want to look *good* good
Word. And - while I'm quite fond of the trope - maybe cut down on the black smoke rising from the torso too. Evil = BO may not be the vibe they want?
@liztai Hypothesis: The aesthetic is the important part, all they were really going for. Thwarting good guys is an accidental consequence of flouncing around in black makeup.
@liztai the hair changes! Gotta say Demon Hair is always way sexier that Cultivator Hair!
@AnnaAnthro apparently evil increases the volume of your hair. Must be all that electricity lol
@liztai The black vapors give wave, bounce and lift!
@AnnaAnthro @liztai and thanks for the idea just writing homework for my mandarin class, the titlewhat have I learned by watching c drama’s,
goes from blood out of mouth poor prognosis for survival, broken sleeve and now next point the hair
@AnnaAnthro @liztai so much more
for next weeks homework
Hah! _And_ my upcoming comic!
@AnnaAnthro @liztai
@MarthaCrimson @Kaetchi @liztai I think we need a cdrama demon tropes Bingo card!
They realllllly like metal twisty vine like head gear…!
And huuuuge shoulder pads - the 80s is Demon Fashion heaven - big hair & big shoulders!
An entire thesis could be done on nail length as symbolic marker of Evil too
@AnnaAnthro @liztai Demon business idea: fill it into flasks and sell it as hair ointment.
Maybe it's evil, maybe it's Demonline...
@AnnaAnthro @liztai
"If you experience a sudden rash need to kill or torture someone, stay calm, it's only a temporary side effect."
@AnnaAnthro @liztai