@atomicpoet is there anything specific about that instance that's better than mastodon.social? the web interface does look neat.
@riley I've written several threads on this. Here's two:
Of course, you should try yourself and see what makes it different
@atomicpoet lots of neat features. thanks!
I don't want to dump on mastodon at all here, but calckey is what I imagined the fediverse microblogging platforms to be like before I checked them/mastodon out.
It's what you'd expect from OSS social media, right? Features, options, hackability, and fun.
Again, not to be critical, but mastodon feels like it's coming from a different place.
@maegul @riley @atomicpoet why is everybody moaning about what some skilled talented folk thought about then worked to build for you? For free!
"Just build what you want, how you want it and see if they come? "
It's the ad quote for my new ghostly baseball movie!