Gitlab's source-available proprietary model for "open core" is _worse_ than keeping that code secret, because it serves to poison community implementation of similar features.
@mattdm I feel like I don't often see Fedora folk criticize GitLab, but yeah... I agree. I am quite sad that Red Hat doesn't see more value in developing and offering Pagure to customers for private, on-site Git management.
@gordonmessmer Anyway, as far as open core companies go, Gitlab is probably the gold standard. is pretty solid, really.
Although, their implementation of "We will always make it clear what is proprietary and what is open source code" is kind of weak.
They _used_ to have, which is a _lot_ more useful than "here's two git repos you can diff!"
@mattdm @gordonmessmer It should be possible to write a quick parser for their docs and collect every feature header (where they display which variants the feature exists in) to perform an analysis. A new in-depth table could be generated from that. Really just looking for "Free" and "Self-Managed" to be in "Tier" and "Offering" respectively.
Is everything in those tiers open source?
@mattdm @gordonmessmer If it's available in the free tier *and* self-managed, I believe so.