They asked Reggie Jackson a question about overcoming racism in baseball. They expected a candy coated, saccharine answer, but he gave them that raw uncut.
Don't ask the question if you're not ready for the answer.
@mekkaokereke that's hard to transition out of. We have to keep hearing it though.
Reggie Jackson: not fit for Florida school libraries. His words make "tough" conservative folks feel uncomfortable.
@mekkaokereke I don't see any good reason why his story couldn't be taught in schools. Yes, it's dark, but there's a lot of lessons about what it means to be a team and the importance of allies. That's on top of showing the strength needed, and challenges faced, by people enduring racism. The idea that we need to paper over history so people don't get uncomfortable is lazy and sad.
@mekkaokereke did they really think Mr October wasn't going to speak the truth?
@mekkaokereke being a little kid, cherishing his baseball card, I thought the world of him. It brings me to tears to know how he was suffering. Should be required watching in every school.
@mekkaokereke holy shit. Reggie Jackson is such a badass for sharing that. The Fox Sports crowd was probably not ready for that story.
@mekkaokereke You can hear the truth on Fox Sports but never on Fox news.
@mekkaokereke How could you expect a saccharine answer on racism from Reggie Jackson? Fools.
@mekkaokereke this is not ancient history
@mekkaokereke people keep saying they want things "back to the way things were but of course not all the horrible racist stuff" are just lying to themselves. Reggie's life was just as part of everyone else's lives no matter whether they chose to see it or not.
I'm amazed Fox let that air.
@mekkaokereke this was NOT long ago
@mekkaokereke Bull Connor is remembered for his work to uphold white supremacy, but he was also a “pretty good” baseball announcer
@mekkaokereke Reggie is a real one
@mekkaokereke They expected saccharine from Reggie Jackson?
@mekkaokereke Wow, that was some unexpected true honesty there. I am white, and I will never comprehend what it feels like to be the target of pure racism induced hatred. Sadly, many in this country want to go back to those “good old days” of even more racism than there exists now.
@mekkaokereke reg brought the heat
@mekkaokereke Wow. That's some raw shit. Thanks so much for sharing.
@mekkaokereke lol the reactions they had though
@mekkaokereke The man on the right gave up on the mic after he dropped that story about the kids
I'm crying from that.
It's so worthwhile, if anyone is hesitating or postponing watching...
@n69n @mekkaokereke I'm grateufl to have found a transcript 'cause the video isn't workin' here... Just .... wow.
@mekkaokereke and THAT is why I'm glad they named the best candy bar ever after him. I was a kid and would have taken the sanitized version for truth but Mr October always told us what was really what.
@mekkaokereke Same racism that caused my family to leave Alabama for Michigan,Canada and Los Angeles. Why my mom never went back to Alabama.
@mekkaokereke "You'da saw me in an oak tree somewhere"
Recent enough for a still-living, still-hardy-and-hale man to say with 100% seriousness
It was not that long ago
It was not that long ago
It was not that long ago
It's hardly even past tense
@mekkaokereke Just remembered an interview I read w/ him a ways back (can't find it now! if anybody has a link, I'd be much obliged!), and the interviewer asked him something provocative along the lines of, 'Do you think you're the greatest of all time?'
And Reggie got real contemplative, and was finally like, well, no, a person would have to be mad or a fool to think something like that. I just want to be in the conversation. Right? I'd never say that I'm the GOAT, but I hope when people +
@mekkaokereke + talk about 'Who's the GOAT?' I hope that I'm in that conversation, that my name comes up. I just want to be in the conversation.
(Or something like that)
Reggie: a real one.
@mekkaokereke @jef made me weep.
@mekkaokereke "unbelievable" says one of the commentators wut