Americans are rediscovering: In a country that loves money this much, the real election is cast at the cash register. The dollar ballot is the only one that counts.
Billionaires are like gods powered by myth and belief. They only have power if you pray to them. And by pray, I mean pay to them.
People like to believe that MLK Jr's moving speeches warmed the cold hearts of racists, and brought about social change.
But that's not what happened.
The racists stayed racist. The anti-racists stayed anti-racist. But the anti-racists made different decisions on how they were going to spend cash.
Like I've said, you can't fight your own wallet.
Tsk-tsking at Elon, while you drive a Tesla, makes no sense.
I see people in real financial hard times, in need of mutual aid, with disabilities, making an effort to spend differently.
While millionaires say, "But I *had* to buy a Cybertruck!"
You vote every time you buy something or don't buy something.
I'm not telling you who or what to vote for. I'm just saying be conscious of who you are voting for with your wallet, and make an informed decision.
Understand what your money is paying for.
Don't be an uninformed voter.
Ah, right.
Because US history doesn't like to teach the truth about civil rights, and because people don't like to read anything, here's what really desegregated Montgomery Alabama buses.
Black people, and people that care about Black people, stopped spending.
For over 380 days.