You know what strikes me as critical?
What people see as the most important thing to condemn 1/5 #israel #gaza #palestine
On one hand, we’ve got the unhinged brutality and closeness (to people in the “west”) of Hamas’s violence 2/5
On the other, we’ve got the consistency, scale, breadth, and power of Israel’s violence (as well as its resonance with other colonial struggles) 3/5
Laced within we’ve got anti-semitism and Islamophobia tinting everyone’s vision. I have thoughts on how Zionism has even colonized Jewish identity so that anti-Zionist Jewish people are either silenced or called “self-hating,” but that’s for another day 4/5
I also keep thinking about how Israel and Zionism is a trap for Jewish people, binding out safety to a European settler colonial effort necessitated on the displacement of indigenous people. Whether Palestinians or Jewish people die, gentiles win 5/5