Tucker Carlson explicitly acknowledges the purpose of political megadonations
@molly0xfff super strong m'lady energy on this one, yow
Isn't that some kind of extention to "settling out of court", where no conviction in the public eye ever materialises?
@molly0xfff that “paid partnerships” line at the end is the perfect punchline, especially after the “do you have any money left”, which reads as if it were an offline convo before he took the interview.
@molly0xfff Was Tucker never a fan of Effective Altruism or has he flipped on that?
Also, I love the “includes paid partnerships”. Probably covers more than they intended
@molly0xfff Thank you for covering this. I tried to watch Coffeezilla's coverage but SBF's presence is a little too infuriating.
Thank you for your service.
@molly0xfff Is it an accident that he said the quiet part out loud or a typical case of "every accusation is a confession"?
@h0ru2 probably, it’s become such common practice and obvious within his echo chamber that he stopped thinking of it as something that’s not typically acceptable for a democracy
I assume 'confronts' is exceptionally strong language for what happened in their discussion about EA (no, I'm NOT going to watch it - what could possibly interest me less? )
@molly0xfff has SBF found Jesus and become an evangelical yet, or is he saving that part of his grift for later?
Wait, so Carlson spent 6 minutes talking about how Dems put criminals in prison, unlike the GOP that puts them in office?
Those who are in need of a job can apply through the link, I promise that the job will be done
@molly0xfff Makes sense a worldview based on reciprocity and not ethics would be confused by this.
@molly0xfff in the Before Times, I would have looked at something like this and laughed it off as some Onion-ish satire, but today, I have no doubt it’s real.
@molly0xfff You mean the "lawfare" argument is the conservative judicary's attempt to protect itself? You don't say....
@molly0xfff dont give a fuck what carlson says
@molly0xfff Yeah to him the crime is they weren't honored
@molly0xfff Drain the swamp!
@molly0xfff does it also mean that Democrats are somewhat more honest, or is it too much to assume?