Small but exciting (to us) milestone -- we've started on the first two items on our current roadmap -- Harmonizers and a web component for easily embedding a Web Ring navigator on your page. and
Harmonizers will allow you to define your own elements to use as #octothorpes . For example, if you have a blog with its own tagging system, or if you're using microformats, or just don't want to use our methods, you'll be able to leave your markup untouched and translate it into an octothorpe statement using a harmonizer definition. This is the first step to being able to build bridge services that can connect closed platforms to the Octothorpe protocol.
Web Rings don't really need any introduction, but we want it to be as easy to put one on your page as it is to octothorpe it. Most of the data is already there, we just need to wrap it in a handy web component, but we'll be adding a couple of fun things too. This will also be a chance to establish methods for configuring the embeddable components and feeds provided by a Ring. #webrings