America’s basic problem is that we have an economic system that concentrates great wealth in few hands and we have a political system in which money is allowed to buy political power in a straightforward way and now, on top of that, we have a President who fully embraces—who lives for—the opportunity to make the world bow to him by exploiting those systems. It’s a bit surreal watching this all unfold right in front of us.
#USPolitics #mainstreammedia
This is so spot-on.
@rberger It is astonishing to me that this is all happening, for the most part, out in the open. And there seems to be nothing that can stop it.
@rberger It needs to be taken down. I'm on the inside too and I literally can't get out.
Kind of sad watching my mind recognize that I am collateral damage, but for the sake of all life on this planet, our beloved country has to be taken down.
I used to be a pacifist, but now I just don't think genocide and deliberately starving/torturing children is polite.
Sooner or later, somebody is going to do something about it. It's not our faults. We can still be good people.
We were just in the way.