Andrew Leonard continues to write amazing things. He weaves together so many interesting things that you would not normally connect. Phillip K. Dick, Leibniz, tech, politics, Schezwan cooking, spices, journalism, internet, raising kids, Chinese history and so much more
"The Internet has become as useless as the Book of Changes because it will affirm or deny whatever we desire. And I cannot help but connect this unmooring of online truth, this cacophony of digital nonsense, to the state of politics in the United States today.
President Trump spews out insanity on a daily basis and his henchmen routinely say and do the vilest of things and Elon Musk tweets something factually incorrect almost as often as he takes a breath and it all means nothing because nothing means anything.
A quarter of the way through the 21st century, one of humanity’s supreme technical achievements is a network that facilitates the sharing of lies so efficiently that it broke democracy. Would we have elected Donald Trump president a second time, much less a first, if we still had gatekeepers keeping a lid on all the madness?"
#PhilipKDick #IChing #Internet #USPolitics #ScienceandTechnology