Watched “Bridge of Spies” the other day - excellent movie ICYMI. In the movie set in peak Cold War era, Tom Hanks’s kids are taught to hide in bathtubs if there was a nuclear attack. Struck me that entire generations of kids on the US were raised on this sheer paranoia, what type of emotional scarring it caused and, being that they hold important political offices now, how it impacts their decision making
@santoshhari I should give it another try. I'm a Tom Hanks *.* love for all his movies but this one was a bit of a miss for me - and I love cold war spy thrillers, maybe I was just having an off day or something! Was years ago last I tried.
@me Mark Rylance as the Soviet spy and his chemistry with Hanks alone is worth a rewatch
@santoshhari I remember really liking it, very atmospheric and Rylancw was just brilliant
@cinemapaithiyam he won numerous awards for his performance I believe