Most jokes about typography are unjustified.
Also they usually have a kern of truth to them.
@copacetic @halfbyte @skade this humoristic arc will ascend beyond its apex
@skade do you want to start a font foundry together?
We could call it LaFontaine.
@predrag I’m not cut out for this.
Well, biggest skill in this topic is about empty spaces and no one sees it.
@skade **bold statement**
@skade that’s a bold statement
Italic like I see it.
@skade There's definitely a kern-al of truth in there.
@skade I just got it and fuck you. Take my star.
@skade @MarvClowder
That’s a leading assertion.
@skade yet they often contain a k e r n a l of truth.
@skade If your timing is as good as your spacing then you should consider a Courier in standup.
@skade Yeah, that tracks
@skade Arm yourselves, there's a new Serif on the case! And they're ready to cap an ear, eye, or foot, or loop a neck and other forms of capital punishment. I hear they're quite the bold swash-buckler with a knack for tracking and making you tittle-tattle.
@skade that's a bold statement...
@skade @LibertyForward1 here, take my boost and go home.
@skade Booooooooo……