1/3 Thinking on a strategy to improve/reboot my #Japanese reading practice (which has stagnated along with #Anki reviews for over 2 months now, according to my #GTD task manager). Instead of trying to read some given text from left to right like a native (which can be めんどくさい), find and replace known/recalled words in it, then maybe guess at the unknown/forgotten ones. Same for writing, but going the other way.
2/3 I'd think there's already an app/service out there based on this technique. Ideally it'd allow me to load content from say #HelloTalk and Todai Japanese news for reading. Bonus if I can also sync/transfer my supposedly-learned vocabulary (which I can almost never remember on demand) from my 990-day streak on #Duolingo and use that to auto-select/suggest reading items. But it's like searching for the proverbial needle...