SOFA: Start Often Finish rArely / Start Often Fuck Achievements
Without knowing about this movement, I’ve unwittingly become a part of it.
@skinnylatte especially relatable:
> The goal is acquiring many experiences. The side effects include entertainment and increased skill.
@wilson Given that I am currently enrolled in a typography class and one about phycology (algae), I think ‘acquiring many experiences’ is something I have large amounts of experience with ahaha
@skinnylatte typography class as in... fonts? that sounds interesting!
@skinnylatte I feel seen and validated.
My 2024 goal is basically exactly what SOFA espouses. The journey is the goal!
second half turns suddenly plural
@skinnylatte I used to drive my poor dad crazy with all my "half finished projects" around the house as a kid. Now that I'm old and he's gone, I annoy the rest of my family with them
@skinnylatte @blogdiva thank you for showing me that there's a community for this.
I've got a thing where if I don't like a book I stop reading. Proud of that. I was slightly less proud about the pile of unfinished projects, but it's the same thing! SOFA!
@randomgeek @blogdiva high five!
i've done some work recently about my perfectionism and completionism: why are those things better, or moral? especially if it detracts from the fun i could be having otherwise?